Skin Health Services
in GP Clinic
We understand that skin issues can be distressing and frustrating to live with.
Having skin issues can have long term effects on our self esteem, especially if they are not treated or controlled. For acute rashes, those can be diagnosed and treated, while some chronic skin conditions needs more education and lifelong management.
What should I do about my skin problems?
Here are some comprehensive resources to refer to, with some simple tips to figure out what is going on. We aim to expand this library resource to help you better manage your skin issues at home as much as possible and know when to consult a doctor for further advice. If you need more help, remember to check out our Services just below!
We treat the most common skin problems.
The most common skin problems are listed below and are generally easily treated. Some can be diagnosed and will resolve, while others tend to stick around for a long time. Hence, sometimes you need to know what skin condition you have and how to manage it in our hot and humid climate.
Common Skin Problems
Here are a few common causes of skin problems below, which can be treated in a GP clinic.
Common Skin Infections
Below are some common causes of skin infection, many of which we do see and treat.
When your skin condition is treated and controlled, then you can start thinking about getting scar treatment.
Spending time and effort with skin care products and skin care treatment can be done concurrently with treating longstanding or acute skin conditions. But you do not get them treated and managed, scar treatment can be futile because your skin condition keeps causing new issues. Get further advice from your doctor if you have questions.
Book Appointment with Our Doctors
Dr Zhang Huipei
Medical Director
MBBS (Singapore)
Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine
Family Physician
Dr Lee Joon Loong
Medical Director
MBBS (Australia)
Graduate Diploma in Geriatric Medicine
Designated Workplace Doctor (CAW)
EIMS Primary Care Physician
Certificate Course in Andrology (Men’s Health)